Jupiter Returns Prograde ~ 6 Jun 2017

Within the next two days or so Jupiter returns prograde after more than 120 days of retrograde movement. Prograde, another way to say direct planet motion, marks when planets travel through the zodiac, increasing in degrees, sign by sign, Aries to Pisces. Prograde is considered “normal” motion for a planet.

In Jupiter’s case, he typically spends slightly more than 30% of his orbital time retrograde; obviously implying he’s direct for a vast majority of his orbital period. In the upcoming station, Jupiter pivots at 13 Libra 13, and continues through the balance of Libra, reaching out to Scorpio where he takes the plunge on October 10th.

Jupiter’s an interesting fellow in terms of what he renders in benefits and when he renders those benefits. A handy tip for Jupiter: Be ready to launch when he makes a transit. If one waits for the transit to prepare for the launch, his wave will have long crested and actions taken will progress, however, lacking the far-reaching momentum and achievable gain that can be accomplished when proceeding at the peak of a Jovian transit. Also keep in mind that Jupiter presents himself as opportunity. He knocks once and shouts through the door asking if you want to come out and play. He will not linger, nor coerce, nor plead for your participation. He’s got places to go; people to see.

Whenever Jupiter touches anything, he renders his escalating influences indifferent to implications of good or bad. His influences include, but by no means are limited to: amplification, augmentation, embellishment, growth, push, pressure, viral, “blowing up,” expansion. His list of superlatives is ever-expanding.

Jupiter oversees the need for a strong philosophic platform and high-minded purpose to underscore every action taken. With his return direct, a return to fundamental core beliefs, philosophical restoration, or at least the recollection that all this going on once originated within a brilliant brainstorm titillates craniums everywhere.

Jupiter in Libra is about alliances and cooperative ventures. Too often, collaboration means here’s my idea, you do it for me, and we’ll split the profits in some measure, if and only if this thing gets legs. Finding a fit with others of common aspiration in a means that benefits all and disadvantages no one, best defines the ideal mingling of talent and resources with Jupiter in Libra.

Now since, Jupiter’s turning about, eyes on the road ahead, the urge to lean forward and reach out for brass rings, real or imagined, intensifies. In the spirit of such impending action, the rest of the post strives for brevity.

Here are some bullet point thoughts that should jive with Jupiter in Libra:

Avoid the urge to declare allies and partnerships that have not yet solidified.

When solidifying deals, partnerships and team building ventures, hold win-win as the objective.

In all dealings, personal or professional, sk for what you want whether you believe it is available or not.

Resist the urge to work for a symbolic title, on spec, or in any way that does not provide fair compensation for the rendering you offer.

A soul mate, or a soulful alliance, can happen with a business partner or a mentor, just as easily as a love interest. No need to make more out of it than savoring the similarity of spiritual aspirations.

Assess, then cull, your social media involvement, social activities and remove any activity that does not contribute to your professional purpose, reason for incarnation, or suit your spiritual sphere of influence.

Keep in mind there really is no competition. Even if a thousand other people do the same work as you, none possesses your demeanor, disposition and personal delivery of good.

Strive for good cheer and cooperative spirit.

Seek excellence within. Avoid the temptation to seek praise or validation. Be your own validator.

Play nice in the proverbial sandbox.

When in situations requiring you take a stand for yourself, make a point to distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Breathe from the solar plexus. Make full and complete eye contact.

Know your bottom line negotiation point going into a discussion. That way, if a counter offer crops up, you can embrace without appearing indecisive.

Know the limits of deliberation. If you cannot decide, you cannot decide. Wait for more facts or retreat within yourself to seek emotional wraparound with the decision at hand. Deciding not to decide is a decision.

Listen attentively for the knocking of opportunity. Within the remainder of Jupiter in Libra, here’s surmising at least a handful of supportive transits appear with the big guy for each and every soul in body.

So, here’s to Jupiter! Here’s to joviality! Here’s to embracing opportunities and vast, progressive growth while maintaining personal integrity, honesty, credibility and competency. That’s fair, right?

Should you stand at the precipice of opportunity or be in the middle of packaging a deal or presentation, it might be an ideal time for a consultation. Visit the links below for connecting for a consultation or consultation package (even better deals), a personal or relationship report and more.

Still not sure? Here are some Jupiterian images to stretch your mind.


Jupiter Legos


The things we send into space! Jupiter, Juno & Galileo, in Lego incarnation and on the Juno space probe. No doubt inhabitants of Jupiter's moons will squabble over play pieces!


Jupiter's Aurora


Jupiter's South Pole


Yes, the above image of the bottom of Jupiter is surreal. It is real! Bottoms Up!